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NOT NULL CONSTRAINT -    Ensures that a column cannot have a null value. DEFAULT CONSTRAINT -    Provides a default value for a column when none is specified  UNIQUE CONSTRAINT -   Ensures that all values in columns are different  CHECK CONSTRAINT -   Makes sure that all values in a column satisfy certain criteria  PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT -   Used to uniquely identify a row in the table  FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT -   Used to ensure referential integrity of the data  Primary Key - is used uniquely to identify each row in a table . It can consist of one or more columns on a table . When Multiple columns are used on a table it is called composite key.  Foreign Key - Foreign key is a column or columns that references a column most often primary key of another table . The purpose of foreign key is to maintain referential integrity of the data. Pg admin  Data base - training - right click on training - query click  Always add semi colen to run the query  Int - integer  varchar - variable charact

Classification of Services

 1. Classification based on ultimate users of services - 

a. Services to final consumer . Example - recreation and entertainment services. 

b. Services to business firms - advertising marketing . It is with regards to value addition .Kind of services to organisation in the form of consultancy like CA , legal services etc . 

2. Classification based on the degree of intangibility of services - 

a. Low intangible content service or high tangible services - Example fast food services , vending services. There is element of product involved in it.

b. High intangible content services - Highly intangible . example - consulting , baby sit .This is purely intangible.

3. Classification based on service options -

a. Primarily people based services - Services provided by people directly to people like restaurants , insurance etc. 

b. Primarily equipment - Low contact with people , highly equipment based . Example - Machine services , banks , cinema etc .

4. Classification based on Specialisation -

a. Professional services - Services rendered by skilled professional . example - CA , legal services etc . 

b. Non professional services - Provided by non professional people . Example - Babysitting , domestic help etc. 

5. Classification based on Profit - Orientation - 

a. Profit oriented services - refers to services rendered primarily with profit motive , Example - hotel , airline services etc. 

b. Non profit oriented - like government school , services of cultural organisation etc . Without any profit orientation or profit motive .

6. Classification based on the fact whether they are primarily directed at public at large or primarily directed by individuals. 

a. Public services - Directed to public at large. Example - insurance , municipal services etc .

b. Private services - refer to services which are primarily directed at individuals. example services , medical services etc.

7. Classification on the basis of the extent of contact between the service provider and the consumer - 

a. High contact services - refers to services in which the consumers or users have to spend more time with service providers to acquire the services . ex- medical services , personal care services etc ,

b. Low contact services - refer to services in which the consumers or users have to spend less time with services . ex - hospitality , theatre etc. 


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