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NOT NULL CONSTRAINT -    Ensures that a column cannot have a null value. DEFAULT CONSTRAINT -    Provides a default value for a column when none is specified  UNIQUE CONSTRAINT -   Ensures that all values in columns are different  CHECK CONSTRAINT -   Makes sure that all values in a column satisfy certain criteria  PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT -   Used to uniquely identify a row in the table  FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT -   Used to ensure referential integrity of the data  Primary Key - is used uniquely to identify each row in a table . It can consist of one or more columns on a table . When Multiple columns are used on a table it is called composite key.  Foreign Key - Foreign key is a column or columns that references a column most often primary key of another table . The purpose of foreign key is to maintain referential integrity of the data. Pg admin  Data base - training - right click on training - query click  Always add semi colen to run the query  Int - integer  varchar - variable charact

SWOT Matrix

 SWOT Matrix 

S-O Strategy

When you are able to produce eco friendly products and environment is also concerned will be S - O Strategy . To add or improve resources .

To study the opportunities that can be filled with company’s competitive and core competence and resources that can be utilised . You work more on strength to get opportunities .

W-O Strategy 

Let us say that an event organiser posted on group that they need 5 public speaker , now there is XYZ student who is not good in that but its an opportunity for him to grab it and fill this weakness and grab the opportunity . May be first time you will faulter but then you will improve.It helps in improvement .

You review with competitors.

S-T Strategy 

Identify the ways the firm can counter the external threats with the help of strength resources and competitive advantages. 

Its like , there are 2 bakeries they are working parallel , which is owned by Ram and Stan . Now Ram make croissant and get customer . Stan remembers he has a course of croissants , so he will start with it and remember the strength 

W-T Strategy 

Regularly keep on reviewing to improve the weakness . If there is threat it should not attack you. 

establish defence action plan to prevent weakness from external anticipated threat.



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