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NOT NULL CONSTRAINT -    Ensures that a column cannot have a null value. DEFAULT CONSTRAINT -    Provides a default value for a column when none is specified  UNIQUE CONSTRAINT -   Ensures that all values in columns are different  CHECK CONSTRAINT -   Makes sure that all values in a column satisfy certain criteria  PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT -   Used to uniquely identify a row in the table  FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT -   Used to ensure referential integrity of the data  Primary Key - is used uniquely to identify each row in a table . It can consist of one or more columns on a table . When Multiple columns are used on a table it is called composite key.  Foreign Key - Foreign key is a column or columns that references a column most often primary key of another table . The purpose of foreign key is to maintain referential integrity of the data. Pg admin  Data base - training - right click on training - query click  Always add semi colen to run the query  Int - integer  varchar - variable charact

Levels of Strategy and BCG Matrix

 Levels of Strategy 

Corporate strategy - the different business company working in one corporate .It is a long term strategy.  It covers the entire organisation , it is very value oriented level, how expansion is done , if a company wants to buy a new plant , a merger or acquisition.If TATA want to launch a separate division SBU then it is done by TATA Corporate level. It is broad and generalised so it will be not very specific. SBU can decide themselves to implement corporate level strategy.

Business strategies - After the corporate level , it is also known as SBU level strategy . It is how we going to achieve competitive  advantage , how to increase market share , it is synced with corporate level , if corporate wants growth , businesses will also look at growth .

Functional strategy -each company has a separate division like marketing , finance , HR. It deals with functional operation . It will sync with business level strategy . If growth is what business strategy then functional will also grow .

Operational strategy - where there are different regions , plants , departments with functional areas. It deals with day to day regulations . Responsibility is delegated.


BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP - It solves the problem and research the loop holes and gives an appropriate strategy.

It is also called the growth share matrix .

On the X axis there is relative market share 

On the Y axis there is Market growth rate 

Relative Market Share - It helps companies identify their position in the market compared to their leading competitor. Industry is a bigger term and company comes under industry . example - Telecom industries have its multiple companies .so different consumer is subscribing the different companies in it. "A piece of the pie"

Market Growth Rate - is the predicted percentage growth of the industry over a specified period of time. It is how fast the industry is growing.


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